VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Monday, March 25, 2013


By Tim Manning
This debate is not like most issues in Congress. The Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution, are "Human Rights" issues that relate to a basic foundational understanding of Christian concepts liberty and freedom. The true issue is not the private ownership of guns. It is the issue of slavery or freedom.
The breach of ANY one of these first 10 Amendments is cause for a blood-letting soul-restoring revolution! Democrats and most Republicans do not and cannot understand this, because the moral corruption of their thinking and life practices is so complete that their minds are not even haunted by the slightest ideas and concepts of "Human Rights", freedom or liberty.
We must NOT permit compromise on these issues or a chilling of these 10 principles in the slightest degree. The Bill of rights is the civil expression of the great Ten Commandments of the Holy Bible. Orthodox thinking Christians will see any deviation from this principled blue-print to freedom as the clarion call to arms, and they are fully justified in doing so.
It appears to me that it is time to take the deer rifles off of the wall and declare an open season on all tyrants who oppose true freedom and liberty. The alternative is an inheritance of political and economic slavery for our posterity. We have already waited too long.
This is worth the $1.00 a bullet it will cost us. The road to liberty has long been watered and reddened by the blood of our ancestors preventing an American Pol Pot, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, etc. Those who are civilized, who have intellectual and moral integrity and who understand the meaning of honour will respond to the call.

Reprinted by permission

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