VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Tim Manning

 Much Southern discourse is not permitted in the public forum and the little that is allowed is twisted and distorted by the media without Southerners and traditional Americans being given the opportunity for rebuttal. This is part of the reason SCV settles for the pusillanimous (effeminate) and failed strategy of "Just let me fly my flag, study my view of history, cherish and celebrate my gggrandfather in the confines of my home and I will let the totalitarian State educate my children and my children’s children forever, I will fly the 'American' flag in the highest place of honour at my business, at my home and in my churches and will dutifully and endlessly repeat with sincerity the wonderful U.S. Pledge of Allegiance to the government that killed off my worthless ancestors. Amen. End of discussion." Is there any part of this that does not represent the gist of the SCV today?

The course of misdirection needs correction:

FIRST, The Declaration of Independence was written for England and other Europeans and was not and is not American law in any respect. Saying that this was an important legal document is a false Yankee assertion. I hear this blather all the time.

SECOND, The most important legal document for each State was their State Constitution. The histories of these documents are unknown by most people and is falsely understood, and at best has come to be a faint meaningless echo in time that was superseded by the Constitution of the USA.

THIRD, Discussions about slavery are unproductive abstract diversions from today’s moral and ethical issues twisted by Yankees to avoid the meaningful ethical issues of our day and to avoid their role in the bringing of blacks to North America.

FOURTH, Most discussion about race is personal, and because the South AND the USA is so reconstructed that most of it falls on deaf ears and is unproductive. And "Yes" I do understand the bogus nature of "Civil Rights (Wrongs)" legislation. There is no race public dialogue in the USA. The dialogue as covered by the mindless blather of the media is simply totalitarian manipulation and nonsense. It may be that such discussions cannot really take place and actually become productive until after secession and independence. As it is doing now, a multifaceted race war is likely and will be caused by the false abstractions of the Jewish media which may result in the ethnic cleansing or genocide of American whites, blacks, Jews, Asians and or Hispanics.

A great number of discussions by Southerners are cleverly constructed Marxist diversions to avoid the real issues that arise out of our older Southern and American heritage. This is how SCV, the UDC and sometimes the League of South get diverted from the real business of our day which should be the restoration of independence, liberty and freedom in that order.

I do not care what State you are in, minorities are here and should be a part of secession and independence discussions and movements unless you plan on ethnic cleansing and genocide becoming a part of your wishful political agenda.

Re-posted by permission

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