One possible
difference this time around is that the survey population in May included 35
percent of respondents who identify themselves at Democrats compared to 31
percent who considered themselves Independents. In the last Quinnipiac poll in
late March, only 30 percent of respondents considered themselves as Democrats
and 35 percent identified themselves as Independents.
Now what kind of survey would skew the poll? A crooked one. For
Virginia Southrons this kind of political garbage is of no use to us. WE MUST
not let either one of these vile carpetbaggers get elected as our VA Governor. It is time to get
up off the couch, form vetting committees and get a right candidate that will
support us, our heritage, and culture. Jus sayin -- VS
But the survey stands
somewhat in contrast to a recent Washington Post poll that showed Cuccinelli,
Virginia's attorney general, with a 46-41 edge over McAuliffe, a McLean businessman
and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
Here is one of the best reasons not to believe in ANY poll. They are
crooked as hell. Jus sayin--VS.
By a 45-25 margin,
voters say Cuccinelli, a former state senator who was elected attorney general
in 2009, has the right experience to be governor. A lower percentage, 31-26,
say McAuliffe,
a multimillionaire businessman and professional political fundraiser, has the
right experience for the job.
McAuliffe is what I consider a money broker for the Democrats (i.e. a
fundraiser). He has no experience and yet Virginians think he can govern. What
makes these carpetbaggers and scalawags think that either man can govern? They
are party loyalists, that’s who and they do not care about themselves or their
fellow sovereign citizens of this sovereign state. They can’t govern. They do
not know how. Ken Cuccinelli was only a state senator for 8 yrs. And McAuliffe has never
governed period. Yet the party loyalists (aka low information voters) keep selling
Virginia down the river. Southrons, it is time to get active, the window of opportunity is
closing and we must act now to prevent these to carpetbaggers from becoming Governor. Both of these morons live in Yankee occupied Northern
Virginia. Not with us common folk, oh hell no, we do not have the deep pockets
like the gov. hacks that live up there. Jus sayin—VS.
Bio info on these two carpetbaggers:
McAuliffe was born in
and grew up in Syracuse, New York.
Cuccinelli was born in
and raised in Edison, New Jersey
read more at: http://www.timesdispatch.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/article_9b01fc94-be16-11e2-9d90-0019bb30f31a.html
read more at: http://www.timesdispatch.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/article_9b01fc94-be16-11e2-9d90-0019bb30f31a.html
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