Occidental Dissent has done
an excellent job of documenting the Republican’s Left-wing moves in 2015 on
everything from Southern heritage to abortion, race, immigration and gay
marriage. Let’s look at the GOP record in 2015.
- Republican-dominated US Supreme Court upheld abortion, forcing it upon Texas.
- Republicans embraced the trans-gender sexual cause.
- Republicans advocated for gay marriage. Republican-dominated US Supreme Court forced gay marriage on all the States. Party leaders were relieved by pro-gay marriage ruling.
- Republicans on the State and Federal level led the effort to yank down the Confederate flag, ban Confederate license plates and pull down Southern monuments.
- Republicans advocated for open borders and amnesty, amnesty, amnesty for illegal immigrants.
- Republicans advocated repealing the Second Amendment and abolishing gun rights.
- Republicans promoted outsourcing US industrial jobs overseas.
- The Republican-dominated US Supreme Court sided against Texas, making it easier for anti-White groups to prove housing “discrimination“.
The GOP’s record of
betraying it heavily Southern, mostly White, Christian and conservative base is
easily demonstrated. The party’s record speaks for itself. The GOP in 2015 is
far more Leftist than the Democratic Party was in the 1990s.
Isn’t it time for a
Southern party? Even if it could not initially win major offices due to the
unrepresentative US system, a Southern party would still at least give
Southerners a voice. It would give them a party they could be proud of
supporting rather than wasting their votes on the alleged “lesser of two
evils”. It would be a platform from which to raise Southern national
consciousness. It would put some pressure from the Right on Republicans. And,
perhaps most happily, it would punish the GOP for its Anti-Southern Strategy.
In many areas of the South with large non-White or transplant populations a
swing of just a few percentage points could mean defeat for the Republicans.
Wouldn’t it be nice to see the Party of Lincoln (and Lindsey Graham and Jorge
Bush) suffer defeat in Dixie?
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