VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Empowering the South’s Enemies By Nathan Blevins February 19, 2014

Nathan Blevins shares in his first article for SNN a message that surely many Southerners need to hear (Palmetto Patriot - SNN):

I’ve heard a young man, whom I respect, say something of the globalist elites that changed my perspective forever. ‘They do not control us, we empower them,’ he said.

YES! Bulls eye! I’d like to thank him for opening my eyes to that truth, that’s exactly what we Southerners need to hear. We’re not victims of them. Yes, the American empire is undermining our freedoms and sovereignty as Southerners, but first and foremost: we are victims of ourselves!

No one forces us to attend public schools. WE send our kids willingly to their government re-education camps called ‘public schools’, and wonder why they leave the evangelical church at a rate of over 80% upon graduation(many never to return). WE willingly offer up our children (with encouraging remarks of ‘I’m proud of you, son’) to the deadly, globalist US armed forces to help undercut the sovereignty of other nations (and ourselves). WE are the ones who put all our hard-earned money into the elite, globalist banks that own the bought-and-paid for politicians in Washington(and our State governments), and that rehypothecate our cash in a fraudulent fractional-reserve banking scam. WE eat the cardboard food, served at too-big-to-fail corporations, that take money from our local economies.  Many of these same companies also received bail-out money from the unconstitutional Federal Reserve. WE are the ones who encouraged and cheered for perpetual war to fight ‘terrorism’ after the attacks nearly 13 years ago. WE are the ones who pathetically stood idly by and let the Feds remove the 10 commandments statue in Alabama. WE are the ones who shrug our shoulders and go back to watching ‘The Voice’ after we hear of the NSA tracking every conversation and movement we make. WE are the ones who comically asked Obama for permission to secede after his re-election… and then didn’t follow up on it (once the petitions were shockingly rejected).

I could go on and on.  But why do that? Yes, the globalists, the Yankee empire, the banks, etc. are all enemies of our people; but the biggest and only problem we have to worry about for the Southern people, is the Southern people. It has taken me a long time to realize this, but once I did, it was very liberating.

At any time, any moment, we could be free from our masters forever. First, we must cease our love for those who are destroying us. We must admit to ourselves that we are not free. We must understand that we as a people have had a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome for generations. We must admit that Washington has become worse than ever with our help. We must treasure our children’s lives more than some ‘family tradition’ of serving in the military. We must treasure our legacy assets enough to remove them from large, insolvent banking institutions. We must take responsibility for ourselves by putting our long term savings into gold and silver again, and other tangible properties worth owning (like our people’s land!). We must see the world anew. We Southern Folk have consented to our own servitude with a vengeance, and we must first blame ourselves.

When we admit this, and we each vow to ‘personally secede’ ….and resolve that we ourselves, our families, and our communities will never trust in their rigged games again, we weaken them. Once a man ‘awakens’ to this truth, he can never go back to sleep again.

Let us resolve to look in the mirror, repent of our own consent to servitude first, and then rededicate ourselves to being free.  Slaves ask for permission to do something. A free man asserts his rights. Let’s reassert them in every imaginable way, answering to no one but God and ourselves, and let’s do that today.

To paraphrase a famous singer from the Beatles, ‘The South is Free, if you want it.’

Nathan Blevins

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