VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Monday, April 20, 2015

* * * JADE HELM 15 ALERT, Revised * * *

 by Tim Manning                                                                                                April 20, 2015 at 10:30am

JADE HELM 15 is a "drill" for "dissident extraction" exercise! It is an ACRONYM found in an Air Force Research Laboratory document dated from 2001 ("yes", before Obama) and Department of State Publication 7277, Disarmament Series 5 Released September 1961, Office of Public Services, Bureau of Public Affairs. This information was never intended to become known by the general public.

J =s Joint
A =s Assistant
D =s Deployment and
E =s Execution

H =s Homeland
E =s Eradication of
L =s Local
M =s Militants

15 =s 2015 AD

"Dissident" is now defined using very loose, fluid, and changing meanings to mean anyone who "may be" "critical of the government." Jesse Ventura only quotes the Constitution of the USA when it is useful for him, but he has been instrumental in alerting folks to the FEMA Camps preparation and drills to kill Americans.

A government Intel Agent told me that the above information was leaked by a "high level government Intel Agent in the Obama administration and that there are many high level bureaucrats that do not support the direction of the government. Is it accurate?

If it is and there is some evidence that it is accurate then the public education about the "U.S. Founders", the "Confederacy and the South", the "Constitution of the USA", and the "Executive Civil Coup" pulled off by Abraham Lincoln during the 1860s has not been in vain, but it is time to move on and prepare for the final phase of American subjugation by Global Communism and the Global Oligarchs who control the banks, industries and media communication "businesses."

The high level Intel Agent leaked the "Guidelines for Preparation" for Intel Agents and Essential Federal Workers in the event of a "Natural or Man made Disaster." It is fairly comprehensive and should not be ignored regardless of your level of belief about the current government leaks. It is more comprehensive than the booklets produced in 2010 in Canada for the USA for "Essential Federal Personnel." The document print label was "435COOPAWAR." Some of this information has been posted and is available at

Before the Obama Administration of the USA Government the best of the private studies showed that 1 in 500 Americans were armed with a modern military Assault Rifle. Recent private studies, though not comprehensive, are showing that because of Obama's radicalism that now 1 in every 5 Americans are armed with a modern military Assault Rifle and a large amount of ammunition that exceeds the huge stash of ammo purchased by the Department of Homeland Security. The DHS is now out-armed by private citizens, many of whom are "X" and retired military personnel. This is the one aspect of the Obama Administration that American Patriots consider a real service to them. Many are frightened and they have prepared themselves for the worst. Many have already been "disappeared" by the DHS. 

1 comment:

  1. ETHNIC CULTURAL CLEANSING is always soon followed by ethnic cultural extermination. In the past the USA has understood that most Southerner's are armed and loaded and expecting this kind of move by the new nation established by the Masons controlling Lincoln. ~ The NCH Foundation Institute Staff
    Internal U.S. Military Bases and "federal offices" associated with the military are now preparing for an "internal natural of man-made disaster" under 435COOPAWAR. This began in earnest in 2010. ~ An Unnamed Intel Informer
    Thousands of Confederates F-L-E-D the USA following The U.S. War to Prevent Southern Independence. They went to Europe and Central and South America and saw it better to live amoung displaced Monguls than American Terrorists. ~ PREP & ARMS Institute
    Federal Intel Agents have observed that key underground military bases in the USA and key federal officers pertaining to the military are being supplied with massive amounts of survival supplies in preparation for the coming civil war. The safety and food supplies for government staffers are coming from a straw company at…/250-to-1000-person-office-sur… Check them out.
    Traditional minded Southerner's are considered a hindrance to the Global Oligarchs largely because of their opposition to The Federal Reserve and Jewish controls. We are living during the apex of Jewish power which is often exercised by the man behind the curtain. The Wizard of OZ was originally written as a thinly veiled warned to Americans.
    Tim D. Manning, Sr.
