VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Friday, February 15, 2013

Do You See Colour? vs Denial

by Dr. Tim Manning

SOCIALISTS DEMANDS that everyone ELSE live in a matrix of denial.
* Socialists deny the fallen sinful nature of humanity.
* Socialists deny that God made man.
* Socialists deny that man has moral responsibilities he owes to his Creator which God Himself defined.
* Socialists deny that man has responsibilities to other members of God's creation which God Himself defined.
* Socialists deny that we ARE NOT all the same in our culture, beliefs and personal and family practices.
* Socialists deny that people who worker hard and or more intelligently are more productive and deserve the work of their hands and minds.

* Socialism IS NOT good mental health.
* Socialism DOES NOT benefit others.
* Socialism NEGATES the learning process.
* Socialism DESTROYS the learning environment.
* Socialism DOES NOT promote mature growth of a society.
* Socialism DOES NOT promote personal growth of an individual.
* Socialism IS dangerous to us and to others.
* Socialism IS OFTEN generated by our desire to not hurt someones feelings who is playing/acting the fool.
* Socialism SAYS everyone and everything is the same.
-- War is peace.
-- Stupid is intelligent.
-- Laziness is productive.
-- Immorality is morality.
-- "Affirmative Action" is a fair employment practice.
-- "Revisionist History" is more important than an accurate history.
-- "Political Correctness" is more important than Biblical morality.
-- Inequalities are equalities.
-- Facts are opinions.
-- Destruction is construction.
-- Death is life.

The racial "defence" questions some fb friends promote is an invitation to moral, cultural and political anarchy and mutual poverty. The question is not the simplistic question of whether or not we see colour. That is silly and anti-intellectual.

Socialists in their unending quest of social engineering pose this question to us everyday in their illegitimate desire to tell us how to not-think and how to not-live our own lives so that they can tells us WHAT to think and HOW to live according to their own momentary and ever-changing agendas.

An intelligent person sees what is ACTUALLY there. In a free society:
* He may ignore it . . . he may seek to change it . . .
* He may love it . . . he may hate it . . .
* He may respect it . . . he may despise it . . .
* He may embrace it . . . he may move to get away from it.

The weak, the stupid, the lazy, the dependent, etc. will ALWAYS be the disadvantaged in free society. People must not expect intelligence and generosity to mark the legitimate concerns of good government. They must be free to live their own lives in a manner that does not act out in criminal behaviour towards others. People can be expected to not lie and not steal.

This does not mean that people should treat those with inferior skills in a disrespectful manor. The question is, "Do we live in a real world or one of our or other peoples imaginations?" The free and intelligent person is entitled to see what is there and relate to it in a manner that is in his own good judgement and that is appropriate to his own morals and values without directly harming someone else and without the intervention of government.

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