VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fox News Bill O'Reilly and Mr. Lincoln

by Wayne Carson

Bill O'Reilly is just as bad as Spielberg in spouting propaganda about the war criminal and tyrant, Abraham Lincoln. O'Reilly never airs letters such as mine for fear that his charade might be exposed. I enjoy letting him know that there are plenty of people that see him as the shill for the Feds that he is, though. Here is my most recent email to him, "Mr. O,
I view the myopic Lincoln worship being foisted on America by the Corporate/Government media as an hysterical reaction to their fear that "We the People" have been awakened to the truth about him. As he oversaw the destruction of the Founders Republic and laid the foundation for the erection of an Empire in its place, we will not be fooled, nor silenced. You can celebrate the tyrant all you want but it will not stop an awakened people from ceaselessly working to "out" him for his crimes. Grow up Bill, real grown ups don't dwell in a make-believe world. Your childhood hero was a villain that was most responsible for bringing about a bloody, unconstitutional, and unnecessary war. Time and the tide of history will ultimately put him in his proper place among the rest of the worlds discredited tyrants, the efforts of people like you notwithstanding."

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