VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Historical Knowledge of Northerners

Dr. Tim manning
By Dr. Tim Manning

THE HISTORICAL KNOWLEDGE OF NORTHERNERS about the U.S. War to Prevent Southern Independence is just as inaccurate as the knowledge of the English and American people about WW I & II. We are so flooded by justifying unhistorical propaganda that the actual facts and the meaning of the events are unrecognizable when they are actually presented.
            That Southerners are beginning to disbelieve the conventional lies about the U.S. War to Prevent Southern Independence is wonderful; now, the rest of the country at least has an alternative to the drone of the continuing "American" propaganda presses. BUT, having so many Americans fighting on the same side in WW I & II has blinded the entire country to a very important period history as its history is entirely written by the victors and the lying propaganda has been given and there has been no minority report.
            HOWEVER, the good news is that warehouses full of massive records of WW I & II in the records of British and American Intelligence reports were released during the 1970's in the USA and in the 1980's by the British. A few historians are slowly reading into this massive stash of history. The truth of these two "good" wars is just as foreign to real truth as the truth of the U.S. War to Prevent Southern Independence is foreign to American Public School children. But it was American Emperor Bush the First who began denying access to some of these declassified records. There are only a small handful of historians in the USA and in Europe who even know about the massive declassification of so much valuable material and there are few sponsors who will promote the review of these records. The British and Americans are just as resistant to the truth of these two wars as northerners are resistant to the truth about the U.S. War to Prevent Southern Independence. The true story dissolves much of the false virtue believed to have been manifested by the western world in these wars. The consequences of these two wars spelled the end of western Christian civilization.

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