VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Monday, February 25, 2013

From the Marble Hill Constitution-News Web Site

Support for Confederate Flag now a “mental illness”

 February 25, 2013 by Aldermanlacy

If the South should lose, it means that the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy. That our youth will be trained by Northern school teachers, will be impressed by all of the influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors and our maimed veterans as fit subjects for derision.- Patrick Cleburne

The above statement turned out to be even more prophetic than General Patrick Cleburne could have ever imagined, not only did his prediction come true in the United States, it has now proven true for our northern neighbor, Canada.

The Toronto Star reports:

A high school in York Region has banned a controversial flag long synonymous with America’s Deep South, but also with prejudice and racism. 

The Confederate flag became popular at Sutton District High School in the last two years, said Principal Dawn Laliberté, emblazoned on bandanas, lighters, belt buckles, backpacks and pickup truck windows.
After explaining the flag’s symbolism to students this week, the school implemented a ban.

“Our first step is always to educate. We are only dealing with a handful of students who view it as a white pride kind of thing, so we thought now is the time to get the message out,” Laliberté said.

Time after time, when asked about the Confederate flag, the majority of students be it in the U.S. or Canada say that it is not a symbol of racism, but rather a symbol of their heritage, a way of life, their culture, only to be scolded and told that it is racist and subsequently banned.

Perhaps the most disturbing subject of this article seems to be that sporting the Confederate flag and celebrating ones culture is now a mental disease. Again quoting the Toronto Star:

A 2011 study in Political Psychology by psychologist Joyce Ehrlinger showed exposure to the Confederate flag resulted in “more negative judgments of black targets.”

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out where this is heading, soon this study will be used far and wide in school districts across the U.S. , all the usual suspects appear in the Toronto Star article, diversity is good (unless you happen to fall into the pro Confederate flag category), lack of exposure to Black History Month etc.

Would you be surprised to learn that Black History Month was originally Negro History Week?

According to Wikipedia:

In 1976, the federal government acknowledged the expansion of Black History Week to Black History Month by the leaders of the Black United Students at Kent State University in February of 1969. The first celebration of Black History Month occurred at Kent State in February of 1970.[5] Six years later during the bicentennial, the expansion of Negro History Week to Black History Month was recognized by the U.S. government. Gerald Ford spoke in regards to this, urging Americans to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”

Fair enough, I believe everyone’s history should be respected , but: What has happened since 1976? The supporters of Black History Month were not happy to merely celebrate their history and it’s leaders during the month of February, they insisted on the recognition of Martin Luther King Jr during January.

According to Time.Com:

This is not a black holiday; it is a people’s holiday,” said Coretta Scott King  after President Ronald Reagan signed the King Holiday Bill into law on Nov. 2,  1983. But in the complicated history of Martin Luther King, Jr Day, it has only  recently been a holiday for all the people, all the time.

The simple fact of the matter is that Black History Month and Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday are supposed to be a celebration of “equality” and “diversity”. The question that must be asked is : What has happened since the recognition of Black History Month and Martin Luther King Jr. Day?

States throughout the South used to celebrate “Lee / Jackson” days, in honor of the Confederate Generals. They did not “demand” the rest of the country celebrate these Christian warriors.

States throughout the South used to celebrate Confederate history month in honor of the Confederate veterans who fought and died defending their state. They did not “demand” the rest of the states throughout the U.S. celebrate or recognize it.

In contrast, those who support and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day and Black History Month “demanded” that their history was so important that every state must celebrate them. While they succeeded, those who only wanted to celebrate their Confederate history in their state have seen Confederate History Month disappear and General Lee and Jackson “subjects for derision”-Editor

Thanks to Dr. Tim Manning for the link----The Virginian Southron

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