VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Monday, February 25, 2013

From the Marble Hill Constitution-News Web Site

Excerpts from an article at the Marble Hill Constitution-News. You can read the full article at:

The Left’s War on the South

February 22, 2013 by aldermanlacy

David Frum has written an article over at The Daily Beast.Com attacking those who oppose the Memphis City Council’s decision to rename Confederate, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest parks and in typical left-wing fashion, Frum ( who also worked as a contributor for Newsweek and CNN) made sure to post a giant picture of a Klansman holding a Confederate flag with the article.

After listing more tragic examples of anti-black crime during Reconstruction Frum continues by acknowledging he has Confederate ancestors right before he spits on the memory of their valor….

“There’s your “history,” Lost Cause fanatics.

General Forrest’s KKK was the worst terrorist group in our nation’s history, and it was explicitly founded to keep ex-slaves in their place.

The idea of the Lost Cause itself is an act of shifting historical blame from the evils of chattel slavery to perceived imperial aggression from Yankees.

Sorry, but the Civil War was about slavery. I understand quite well that southern children are taught about the “War of Northern Aggression.” I know they think it’s about “states’ rights.” But what right was in question in 1861 but the right of a state to legally compell people to a lifetime of slavery on account of the color of their skin?

My family has resided in Virginia since the 17th century. They fought for the Confederacy. I have ancestors buried alongside their brethren from the Army of Northern Virginia. I love and respect my family, but there is no honor in their actions. There is only shame.

Remember your history as you will, but don’t pretend the Lost Cause is not itself an act of historical revisionism. The very fact Gen. Forest’s name is still on a park in the 21st century in a city such as Memphis is lamentable. Putting a monster’s name on a public park spits in the face of those who suffered under his boot and the boots of his successors.

Be glad the change is happening, and if that removes from public recognition a man who is directly responsible for horrible violence against a victimized people, even better.

Good riddance to the Lost Cause.

My how proud your ancestors must be Mr. Frum. Considering who his employers are, it is also no surprise that Mr. Frum is only telling half the story of Reconstruction.

Gordon, who later became Governor of Georgia and then a U. S. Senator, also stated that even the burning of Atlanta and the devastation of Georgia during the war did not create a tenth of the animosity created by the Union League’s treatment of the Southern people. Former Confederate General Nathan B. Forrest, a reputed founder of the Klan, testified before the same committee that:

“The Klan was intended entirely as a protection to the (Southern) people, to enforce the laws and protect the people from outrages.”

Both men realized, however, that after a few years, the Klan, formed in a people’s desperate cry for survival and justice, had itself become a lawless outrage. But it was the federally sponsored Union League that ranked first in time and violence. It should not be forgotten. The evils it inflicted on both Black and White still lives.”

Indeed it was the Republicans (who were the liberals of their time) who sent agents to the South to organize, bully and coerce the freed slave to commit crimes against Southern whites. The federal government wanted to divide the South among racial lines, once and for all , forever. Why? If divided, the South could never unite to protect their state sovereignty, their homes or their way of life. Mr. Scruggs is right to note that Reconstruction of the South and “The evils it inflicted on both Black and White still lives.”  Men like David Frum see to it that it does.

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