VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Friday, March 08, 2013

Confederate Heritage vs Political Correctness

By Dr. Tim Manning on Friday, March 8, 2013 at 3:52pm

Whenever I write that our Southern folks are heavily “Reconstructed” nearly every Southern reader thinks that I must not be talking about them, because they know they sincerely love the South, hate Lincoln, genuinely believed the South was right from the time of their first childhood memories, from time to time may proudly flag a Confederate Naval Jack and may join a group like the United Daughters of the Confederacy or the Sons of Confederate Veterans. At the same time many of these folks:

 1) Repeatedly place their hands over their hearts and earnestly pledge their allegiance to the National Flag of the USA Government,

 2) They will usually refer to their country as "America" rather than naming the State where they were born or answer "The United States (of America)" (The loose reference to "America" has grown popular with political centrists. The people of all of the States of the USA used to refer to their State as their "country" until a little while after the USA removed all recognition of "State sovereignty." While traveling in the Middle East when people asked what country I was from, I said "Virginia, I am a Virginian."),

 3) Are critical of those who do not pledge their allegiance to the flag of the United States along with them, and have kicked many such folks out of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and other such organizations,

 4) Rarely if ever fly their State flags, obviously pledging their highest allegiance to the same government (the USA) that committed genocide against their ancestors (During the 1860s many Southerners refused to take an “Oath” of loyalty to the USA and referred to taking such an oath as “swallowing the dog” and believed that honest men will always seek to do the right thing at the right time without swearing an oath and that a dishonest man may not keep his word even if he has sworn an oath. Many Southerners today volunteer to “swallow the dog” unlike most of their ancestors, even though it is not necessary and they will do it again and again and again. Sadly they are proud of the act, and at times may shed a tear as they pledge their life to the central state government.),

 5) Do not fly the Confederate Battle Flag or a Confederate National Flag at their home or at their places of business in fear they will offend someone, and they sincerely want to appear sensitive to the beliefs of the ignorant even when the ignorant are clearly wrong (Intellectual dishonesty rarely improves relationships and such dishonesty usually is a manifestation of social cowardliness. The ignorant, they "feel", must not appear to be stupid.),

6) Attend churches and trust pastors who fly the National U.S. Flag inside the worship rooms, and are distrustful of churches and pastors that do not follow this practice,

 7) Show their approval of the USA by voting in national elections that usually establishes rulers that hate or disrespect the South making the voters little more than enablers of the very government that holds them in subjugation (This pusillanimous behaviour is effeminate and often a corporate manifestation of the Stockholm Syndrome.),

8) Will place their children in government sponsored schools and be proud when they get good grades that only demonstrate that they are being indoctrinated into the American immoral culture and latest government views of cultural Marxism, then

9) Proudly place bumper stickers on their cars that say, “MY SON IS AN HONOUR STUDENT AT STOKES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL”,

10) Tell people who do not vote that they “Cannot complain about the government” if they “did not vote” in spite of the fact that the country has  a constitution that all elected representatives are required to follow,

11) Takes the public position that the South and the world itself is better off that the South lost the war as did the National SCV Heritage Chairman Colin Pulley on WNIS radio in Norfolk, Virginia (Frequently SCV will introduce their evenings presentation by remarking that "Of course, we know that we are better off today because the South lost the war." Such a person is either ignorant or a social coward.),

12) Readily volunteers to "serve" in one of the U.S. military forces in a higher ratio than the youth from northern or western States of the same country that committed a massive genocide against their own ancestors for four years followed by twelve years of ethnic cleansing through the U.S. Department of War and its "humane" policy of “Total War” (It is OK to puke at this revelation of Satanic mercy.),

13) Readily fights in those U.S. military forces subjugating millions of people in dozens of foreign sovereign nations in the same manner that the Southern States and Southern people were subjugated at bayonet point by the USA during the 1860s, even approving of the use of torture that was never permitted by Confederate military commanders (USA Military Code 100 permits even the torture of civilians, unto death if "deemed necessary" at the sole authority of U.S. Field Commanders.),

14) Supports and votes for socialists, communists or other totalitarian political candidates of both major political parties,

15) Accuses folks of being unpatriotic if they do not vote at all or if they do not vote for the candidates they themselves supported,

16) Accuses others of being un-American or anti-American if they do not say and often repeat in public the USA Pledge of Allegiance,

17) Accuses others of being un-American or anti-American if they do not repeat or display on a bumper sticker the current propaganda government mantras such as “SUPPORT THE TROOPS”, "I VOTED. SO DON'T BLAME ME", "LOVE THE USA OR GET YOUR (DONKEY) OUT", etc.,

18) Accuse others of being un-American or anti-American if they do not honour the USA national government flag,

19) Supports post war amendments such as the 14th Amendment that ended State sovereignty and State Rights and transferred these to the ever-growing national Federal Government, and

20) Buys into the concept of civil “rights” and the power and authority of the federal government both to define, and grant or withhold those “rights” while their Confederate ancestors believed that only God who made mankind can define “rights” in what we have traditionally called “human rights”; thus, giving to the secular federal government the power and authority once only attributed to the Almighty God,

21) Is ready to condemn and shun anyone who manifests a taint of “racism” as defined and designed as an accusation through which Marxists impugn a false sense of guilt on Christians in order to get them to support American Communism (I hear this all time “I will not join SCV, the UDC, the OCR or the LS unless they have black or homosexual members. I think we all should be inclusive and not leave anyone out.” This is a Communist tenant that Communists do not believe and do not practice, but is used as a pseudo-political litmus test.), and

22) Nearly always they deny that the various phases of American “Reconstruction” have affected them in spite of how different their thinking and way of life may be from that of their Southern or Confederate ancestors (The hypocrisy here is so embarrassing that it is enough to take your breath away! Some of these folks may receive some of our sympathy, but they are not worthy of our time or our compassion.).

Most Southerners do not have a clue of what it is like to actually honour the ways and beliefs of their Southern and Confederate ancestors, and they believe that their interest in an accurate history demonstrates their adherence to the “heritage” of their ancestors. They no longer understand what their heritage is and as a natural and expected consequence they do not practice the beliefs and ways of their ancestors. Part of the reason this is the case is that they do not understand the difference between heritage and history, so groups like the UDC and the SCV have become clubs and associations for some very excellent and sincere armchair historians who often are very thoroughly indoctrinated by the New World Order that follows in the wake of the centralization of power generated by the executive-military coup conducted by Abraham Lincoln.

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