VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Sunday, March 03, 2013

DHS re-designs Predator drones to spy on Americans

By Rick Moran at the American Thinker

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has customized its Predator drones, originally built for overseas military operations, to carry out at-home surveillance tasks that have civil libertarians worried: identifying civilians carrying guns and tracking their cell phones, government documents show.

Homeland Security's specifications for its drones, built by San Diego-based General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, say they "shall be capable of identifying a standing human being at night as likely armed or not," meaning carrying a shotgun or rifle. They also specify "signals interception" technology that can capture communications in the frequency ranges used by mobile phones, and "direction finding" technology that can identify the locations of mobile devices or two-way radios.

Concern about domestic use of drones is growing, with federal legislation introduced last month that would establish legal safeguards, in addition to parallel efforts underway from state and local lawmakers. The Federal Aviation Administration recently said that it will "address privacy-related data collection" by drones.

As with any new technology, it will take time to sort out all of the ramifications to our personal liberties. I trust that at some point, a modus vivendi can be achieved that respects privacy while aiding police in keeping us safe.

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