VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Kaine supports banning assault-style weapons: Richmond Times-Dispatch

Carpetbagger and VA Senator Tim Kaine
"Senator Timothy M. Kaine, D-Va., announced this morning that he will vote in favor of a federal ban on certain types of assault-style weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.

 "This is what you get when you vote for a carpetbagger. He never served the Amerikan Rag so what military perspective or experience does he have to draw on? Answer?: Everybody else's. He does not have any originality on this issue. He is just following party lines as he is expected to do as a leftist Democratic Senator. Anything he says he supports will be dictated to him by the party machine"--Jus sayin. Virginia Southron.

 The liberal rag The Richmond Times-Dispatch commented on an article Mr. Kaine wrote in the Virginian Pilot that:  “There is no piece of legislation that will eliminate violence. But if we take concrete steps, we can make our communities safer,” Kaine wrote.

 "How about enforcing the all the gun laws now on the books. Oops, cant do that, it defeats the gun grabbing desires of the extreme left"--Jus saying. Virginian Southron
 It is the first time that Kaine has committed to voting for a proposed ban on combat-style weapons.

"Again this is dictated to him by the party machine. He cannot really make an informed decision. That goes against party policy. No individuality"--Jus sayin. Virginian Southron.  

"the Senate is poised to debate measures on reducing gun violence – a step that several Republican lawmakers have vowed to filibuster. Instead of just voting against restrictions they don’t like, they are trying to block any vote whatsoever,” Kaine wrote.

 "How else is the minority party going to stop legislation? Just because you vote against it does not stop a bill from becoming law. Is this hack for real?"--Just sayin. Virginian Southron 

 Bio on Mr. Kaine:
Timothy Michael Kaine
Born: February 26, 1958 (age 55), St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.
 He graduated from Harvard Law School in 1983 with a Jurist Doctor, and was admitted to the Virginia Bar. In 1984, Kaine married former Richmond Juvenile Court Judge Anne Holton. Holton is the daughter of former Virginia governor A. Linwood Holton, Jr. Mr. Kaine was elected Mayor of Richmond by the city council in 1998. (Until 2004, the mayor of Richmond was chosen by the city council from among its membership; under the present system, the mayor is chosen by popular vote.) He spent seven years on the city council, including two terms as mayor.

 "With the above information on this carpetbagger is it any wonder Virginia is in so much political trouble and under heriage attacks? Look at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (now that's a laugh) and the fact that carpetbagger Robert "Bob" McDonnell has not forced the VFMA in to compliance on the CBF issue. Carpetbaggers and scalawags occupy the VA government. This needs to change now. Then Gov. carpetbagger Tim Kaine did not support anything remotely resembling Confederate history. So, for you low information party line voters here is your man at work." Jus sayin. Virginian Southron

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