VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Socialism Is A Mental Illness, Revised by Tim Manning

Tim Manning

Socialism is obsessed with controlling the lives of everyone and is willing to murder those who get in the way. This is inherently a radical form of Sociopathology and pathological behaviour at the corporate level. . . institutionalized pathological behaviour and we are permitting it and do not even know what good mental health is. The use of the USA military for "American Interests" is pathological and then we reward the instruments of that activity by calling the military actions "a Public Service", the men and women automatically are "heroes", etc. Actually now the USA fains hearing little voices that gives us unreliable intelligence but we act quickly to satisfy the fascists’ chiefs who will benefit financially from American military adventurism which is more of a psychosis. Socialism is inherently deviate behaviour with a god-complex which is why it can embrace:
 1) Abortion,
 2) Infanticide,
 3) Euthanasia,
 4) Torture of military prisoners,
 5) Torture of civilians,
 6) Genocide abroad on a massive scale,
 7) Genocide at home on a massive scale as in the U.S. War to Prevent Southern Independence that demands
 8) Massive amounts of "government secrets" we call "classification",
 9) Propaganda and "spin",
 10) Homosexual marriage,
 11) Massive imprisonment of "enemies of the state" (7.2 million in the USA mostly for victimless crimes and "crimes against the state"),
 12) Civil slavery (through massive taxation and banksterism)
 13) Government indoctrination of our children,
 14) Totalitarian despotic forms of population control,
 15) Total centralization of government under
 16) Messianic charismatic leadership,
 17) The displacement of God-given “Human Rights” by “Civil Rights (Wrongs which displace the authority of God with the power and authority of secularism and men”),
 18) The use of American Exceptionalism to drown out national guilt, and
 19) I could add a thousand more common deviate American behav
            That we will readily use Economic Sanctions and military Shock and Awe places the USA in the same morally debauched category as all other mentally ill foreign despots. This should be called "Corporate Insanity" for which Americans are exceedingly proud. This is sickening and for thinking and speaking about such matters I am under personal scrutiny and tagged as a "Level 5 Threat to the National Security of the USA."

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