VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Schapiro: Using history, McAuliffe can connect with Va. - Richmond Times Dispatch - Richmond VA

Jeff Schapiro of the liberal rag, the Richmond Times Dispatch, tries to sell us carpetbagger Terry McAuliffe as viable candidate for the Governorship of the sovereign nation state of Virginia.

In his article, Jeff Schapiro stated: "Terry McAuliffe hit on an idea for underscoring a principal campaign theme: that education is a safeguard against economic uncertainty tied to federal spending cuts."

What a bunch of dribble from a carpetbagger. We all know who teaches at the community college and the university levels - liberal morons. Let's be honest, this is just a pandering statement to the college students so they will feel good about being career students and will continue to vote DemonCrat. -- Jus my opinion, Virginia Southron

Jeff Schapiro, also, remarked that: "In choosing a governor, Virginians choose someone who walks among them. They expect competence, rationality, approachability, a realistic sense of the future, and — in a place where some would tell you history was invented — an informed appreciation of the past."

Virginians choose what? I don not think so. This carpetbagger has never walked among the real people of Virginia. He has walked mostly among the carpetbaggers and scalawags in Yankee occupied Northern Virginia and the scum pond called D.C. Most Virginians are low information voters and follow party platforms. If they were to really choose "some one who has walked among" us they would be not voting for this carpetbagger. They would be voting for a true Virginia Southron who has deeps roots and heritage here and one that is dedicated to the best interests of the sovereign citizens of Virginia. What are those best interests you might ask? Well, how about standing for states rights, interposition, nullification, and secession. That is the platform that will ensure the prosperity and freedom for us and our posterity in our nation state of Virginia. The problem here is that most low information voters will not get off the couch and turn off NASCAR, put down the beer, and form or join a local county or regional group that looks at potential political candidates and incumbents to vet them to inure that these politicians are saying what they mean and mean what they say and are protecting the 4 principal interests that ensure the freedoms of Virginia. -- Jus my opinion, Virginian Southron

Read the full article at: Schapiro: Using history, McAuliffe can connect with Va. - Richmond Times Dispatch - Richmond VA

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