The primary work of agnostics in establishing
Marxism is to displace the foundation of Christian morals, standards and social
practices in order to establish the idolatrous authority of the creatures over
the Creator, since Marxism cannot exist where Biblical Christianity exists.
Marxists select cultural practices at odds with the culture of the Christian
country in which they live in order to establish new social “Gospels” in which
the central state government assumes to itself to be the “highest moral
authority” and the power to establish new social Gospels for the “redemption of
mankind.” Then the state begins its campaign of "socially re-engineering" the culture in a manner that will focus on men's sense of
“fairness” rather than God's “Righteousness.” “Political Correctness” must
replace the glorious focus on the “Righteousness of God.” Socialism is
inherently at war against Christianity and the belief in God.
Elements of Political Correctness, in and of
themselves, need not be “evil” in the classical Biblical sense. They only need
to serve to focus the attention on the central state and to enhance its
authority which in the end WILL seek to establish outright unrighteousness as
it destroys the authority of God in the life of men and destroys the power of
God over governments and nations. This is why the power of the central state
MUST NOT EVER BE ALLOWED to establish the universal forced views of social and
cultural standards.
Millions of western Christians have been enticed by the
new sense of being “politically correct” and continuously reforming social and
cultural redefinitions proffered by those who use the secular central state to
establish “social justice”, even though centuries of violence testify against
the idolatry of the governments of men. So we saw in the United States churches
like the Baptist Church energize the tide of socialism (statism most foul) by
supporting and swallowing the lure (the bait) of “Civil Rights.” Without the
support of the Baptist churches socialism in the USA would be in a much
weakened condition unless some other denomination would have stepped forward
which is likely. Most other denominations followed the lead of the Baptist
church in this regard. This was the inauguration in an official manner of the
kingdom and authority of men over the Kingdom and authority of God.
The state posed as dissatisfied with the progress of
God working among His people in order to usurp Gods authority over His people.
Thus we came to accept “Civil Rights” over “Human Rights” and displacing
“Human” Rights that had always been defined by God in the revelation of His
Will as we have it in the Holy Bible. The classical understanding of “Right” is
defined by God and revealed in His Character. Right means “Righteousness” of
which God is the original Author. This is the Greek term “dikaiosune”
pronounced “dik-ah-yos-oo'-nay” from the Greek “δίκαιος.”
“Right” or “Righteousness” may be understood by a term
long abandoned by liberal American Christians “Holiness” which can only be
defined by God, is seen in His Character and only practiced by fallen humanity
through the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. The principles contained in the
great Ten Commandments define for me the primary standards of “Righteousness”
and “Holiness.” In other words all that a government of men can do is to
recognize the “Rights” of the Holiness of God and make laws that reflect what
God desires of and for mankind and then within limits because of the inherent
nature of men seeking to “overrule” the authority of God.
Simply put, “There are no 'Civil Rights.'” There are
only “Human Rights” defined by God. The very use of “Civil” with the word
“Rights” is idolatrous and intended to usurp the power and authority of God in
a persons life, in a culture and in a government.
Socialism is the religion of the secularists of our day
and has been made the step child of western Christianity. Civil Rights as
practiced in government is inherently unrighteous and is used for political
reasons to hurt some and benefit others; whereas “Holiness” and “Righteousness”
benefits everyone and is truly “fair” to all.
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