Whether carpetbagger Tim McAuliffe paid $4million in taxes to the central government or did not, his paying taxes is not the point for the sovereign citizens of the Nation State of Virginia. What is more important is does he support and will he actively put the best interests of the sovereign citizens of Virginia first and foremost? The answer is emphatically, NO. He is 1st: a carpetbagger, 2d: a progressive, 3d: a person of little moral character. He will not support State Rights, Nullification (due to his love of the central gov.), Interposition, and Secession. Is it truly worth electing him as the head of our nation-state government? Absolutely NOT. Again, we, as Virginia Southrons, must come together and find a suitable candidate that WILL support and defend the sovereign citizens of Virginia bests interest. Jus sayin. Virginian Southron.
McAuliffe paid almost $4 million in taxes from 2009 to 2011 - Richmond Times Dispatch - Richmond VA
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