The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance is already said at all National SCV Reunions opening exercises, and the National Flag of the USA is flown at the Camp meetings of most SCV Camps which ISNOT REQUIRED by their 501 (c) 3 tax status or by federal or State law.
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Tim Manning |
The centralization of political power is the chief mark of identification of empires and Khazar Jewish Marxist cults. It has taken hundreds of years of such creeping compromised for this to enter churches which entered into deep apostasy before this cultic practice could manifest itself in a public manner.
It should be noted that the few nations that had such pledges dropped their pledges following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Even China has had no such general pledge to their country or government until recently in March of 2012 when China's Justice Ministry “ordered ”its lawyers to take a loyalty oath (once) to the Communist Party in an unusual move that has drawn condemnation from attorneys worried about the government’s attempt to rein them in.
China's Ministry of Justice stated in a post on its website that the oath was necessary to "firmly establish among the vast circle of lawyers faith in socialism with Chinese characteristics . . . and effectively improve the quality of lawyers' political ideology."
“This is the first time that lawyers have been required to pledge allegiance to the Party in an oath”, Mo Shaoping, a prominent Chinese human rights lawyer, said. Over the past decade, a loose network of lawyers has sought to use litigation mixed with publicity to challenge laws and policies restricting citizens' movements and rights to protest.
PuZhiqiang, a Beijing lawyer who has often represented people insensitive political cases, called the oath "baffling". PuZhiqiang, a Beijing lawyer who has often represented people insensitive political cases, called the oath "baffling"."I don't see the legal basis for adding these procedures. On what basis is the Ministry of Justice doing this?" Pu told Reuters by telephone. "If I don't take the oath, are you not going to give me a license?" Pu said the oath "will produce a conflict" among lawyers who want to be independent from enforcing the will of the party.
"In my opinion, the biggest destroyer of the rule of law in China is the Communist Party," he said. Although the Party has always imposed tight controls on lawyers, the pressure has intensified in the past year. This parallels the more recent vile and militant condemnation of the American Marxist Democrats against the less socialist Republican members of Congress.
In2011, dozens of human rights lawyers were detained without charges as China cracked down on potential political challengers amid fears that the anti-authoritarian uprisings in the Arab world could inspire protests against one-party rule. China's best known rights lawyer, Gao Zhisheng, was sent back to jail last December, though he appeared never to have escaped secretive confinement in the first place. Gao was sentenced to three years' jail in 2006 for "inciting subversion of state power", a charge often used to punish critics of one-party rule.
A member of the Tennessee Division of the SCV is trying to have the following part of the Constitution at the SCV Division Reunion later this month:
"The Tennessee Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans and those SCV Camps within the Tennessee Division shall begin their meeting with the Call to Order, an Invocation, the Pledge to the U.S. Flag, Pledge to the State Flag and Pledge to the Confederate Flag."
This practice of National SCV and most of the Camps in its' State Divisions makes it clear that the SCV has bought into the Communist Cult of Statism hook, line and sinker without its being required to do so by the Lincolnesk/Marxist central State. Such practices are clearly subversive to the most elemental political and moral principles of freedom and liberty. In a Christian church such secular pledges to the State and national governments is idolatry.
Few Jews are Khazars. And the Khazar Khaganate was quite decentralized. Stop using terms you don't understand. Most of the empire was largely self governing. There were client Kings, "el-tebers" who were responsible in paying tribute, giving some soldiers, and ensuring domestic tranquility. Otherwise, they could do as they will, incluidng having foreign relations. There were also Tunduns, or governors of cities and regions within Khazria proper. But ever here local populations spoke their own languages, had freedom of religion, and had their own militia. To call Khazaria centralized is an ahistoric farce.
ReplyDeleteBulan, I have tried for several months to address misinformation like this and worse for months now. I am glad to see you and Daniel take up the mantle of truth and speak out. I was the VA Chairman for the LoS when several anti-Semites started posting extremely viscous statement against Jews. They are quite a few closet anti-Semites with in the LoS as well masquerading as Christians. Needless to say I resigned. Jus sayin. VS