VA-MD Southern Nationalist

VA-MD Southern Nationalist

Friday, April 12, 2013


The moral and political corruption of the USA has never gotten better regardless of the candidates obtaining landslide victories and regardless of how high the percentage of voters was in an election. This should be the cause of some very serious reflection and consequences.
Tim Manning
One of the most obvious conclusions MUST (M-U-S-T!!!) BE that it REALLY does not matter who wins an election. If that is true and you consider yourself responsible for the outcomes of electing the people you have voted for, then ALL that YOU HAVE DONE is to approve and empower the downfall of freedom and liberty that we now can so easily recognize. People who vote have empowered the fall of the USA!
Next time you are so proud that you voted that you find yourself feeling good about wearing your "I VOTED" sticker, think for a moment, hang your head in shame and repent of the nasty habit of voting. At least demonstrate the good sense of hanging your head in SHAME when you dare to show your face in public and STOP WHINING about the consequences of your own actions.
I did not vote for national offices; therefore, I have the true right to complain. A VOTER REBELLION is needed and a little destruction of voter sights may actually do a little good.

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